Life Stories
I got my husband back!
21 November 2016
Six months ago my husband, David, was desperately ill with a congenital liver disease; his only hope of survival was to undergo a transplant.
So many people have been involved in our story over the last few years; most of these have been, and will remain, total strangers. If you dropped a token in the box at John Lewis Norwich that raised £979 for this charity, or you work for the NHS, or you have signed up to save someone’s life and to give them and their family a future, then this post is to thank you sincerely for bringing my husband back to me.
I’m Tammy Wood. Six months ago my husband, David, was desperately ill with a congenital liver disease; his only hope of survival was to undergo a transplant.
Due to the bravery and generosity of a family we have never met, and the skill and dedication of everyone at Addenbrooke’s Hospital who cared for us, he is now recovering well and we have another chance of a future together that we had begun to think we wouldn’t see.
We’ve been together for a long while and, as people often do, we rolled through our days without much consideration for how our lives would change completely as David became more and more unwell. Plans for the future were shelved, and every part of our daily life was affected in some way as we struggled to cope with the destruction this disease waged against us.
Today, tomorrow, or at any point in the future, your life could change just like ours did. You or your loved one could find out that, without the selfless act of a stranger, you might not get to experience all the special moments that life is all about. Just imagine for a moment how that might feel … It doesn’t bear thinking about, does it? However, you can play your part in giving someone the chance to live – there is nothing more worthwhile.
David and I are so humbled by our experience. Sharing our story always brings me to tears, but we have formed unbreakable bonds with many of the people we have met along the way. By being really open about his experience, David has moved over 170 of our friends and family to sign up to the NHS Organ Donation campaign. Each and every one of those amazing individuals could save up to nine people’s lives; people who are in pain and are afraid; people who are in desperate need.
If joining the organ donor register is something you’ve been considering, then please sign up. It will be the most worthwhile two minutes you have ever spent – and what greater gift can anyone give than life itself?