Why we're here.
Why ?
Because people aren’t talking. In fact, research tells us that 80% haven’t shared their donation choice with their family. We know it can be a tough conversation, one that can be confused by myths and misinformation too. There’s a real need for clarity and truth, along with personal experiences shared by medics, donor families and patients.
That’s why !
By educating people on the positives of organ donation, we hope more people make organ donation their legacy.

What we do
Here at Live Life Give Life we get involved with exciting and colourful projects that speak directly to adults and youth, encouraging interaction with peers, teachers and parents alike.
Upbeat, uplifting and meaningful, our campaigns focus on helping individuals young and old make an empowered choice about their donation legacy.
How we’re making a difference
If it’s thought provoking and interesting, it’s worth sharing. Live Life Give Life’s activities are designed to change the way people think and talk about organ donation.
The solution to more organ donors is literally in all of us!
Find out more about some of our exciting initiatives and get involved.

Meet the Orgamites

Logo Revolution

Help Us Raise £1 Million

Let Love Live On
Our Story

Our Story
Live Life Give Life was founded in 2006 by Emily Thackray and Emma Harris both afflicted by Cystic Fibrosis (CF). The two young women had lost many friends to CF and, at the time, Emily was on the waiting list for a life-saving lung transplant.
The shortage of organs and donors inspired Emily and Emma to create a T-shirt campaign to raise awareness and encourage people to sign the organ donor register. Live Life Give Life was their slogan and their fledgling charity; and went on to attain charity status in 2008.
Emily received a transplant is 2007, and a further transplant in 2014, but tragically passed soon after. Emma continues to fundraise and raise awareness for the cause.
Our Team
Here at Live Life Give Life, many of us have an emotional and personal connection to organ transplantation. Our trustees and experts include medical professionals, families of donors, people awaiting organs and recipients of donor organs.

Would you like to join our team?
We’d love to hear from you. Simply send an email to info@livelifegivelife.org.uk and tell us your story.