9 Month Old Ethan Eaves Needs a Heart
6 December 2019
Sunday 8th of December will mark 100 days that Ethan Eaves has been waiting for a heart transplant. He’s going to be spending his first Christmas in hospital 😥
Sunday 8th of December will mark 100 days that Ethan Eaves has been waiting for a heart transplant. He’s going to be spending his first Christmas in hospital. Most of us hope to receive something we want for Christmas, the Eaves family is hoping and praying for a heart for little Ethan.
He may be too young to know what’s going on, but his family is having a really hard time. Parents, Richard and Roselelia, are trying to remain as positive as they can under the circumstances. Ethan is one of 38 children across the UK waiting for the call that a heart has been found for them. It is particularly difficult to find organs to help small children waiting for a heart transplant, as they need a heart the right size for their body.
Roselelia talks about how they are handling this difficult Christmas:
“We will be decorating Ethan’s bed space. I have ordered two ‘my first’ Christmas decorations one for his tree and one for ours at home. As we can’t do a full Christmas dinner, I am cooking buffet foods so we can all have a Christmas dinner as best we can. No presents will be opened until we arrive at hospital to be with Ethan on Christmas morning.
We constantly think of those parents we have met along this journey, who have to face their first Christmas without their little ones, so we don’t take it for granted and are just grateful for every moment we have together.
We try to keep as normal a routine as possible for a 9 month old. We have an amazing nurse and team who are encouraging Ethan to sit up and roll over. He is a little behind on these milestones, but he is trying so hard. We do as much as we can for him daily but I also have two other daughters from my previous marriage.
It is mixed emotions because we know without a heart Ethan will die but then we know and understand another child will have die for Ethan to live. It’s hard to comprehend it and we wouldn’t wish anyone to be in this situation, but we are in this situation and are just trying to remain as positive as we can.”
Anthony Clarkson, Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “Christmas is an incredibly busy time of year, however away from the rush and bustle of preparing for the holiday it should also be a time for family and thinking of others.
We are urging everyone to take a moment to think about the people who will spend their Christmas hoping for just one thing; a lifesaving organ transplant. Would you like to help if you could? If you needed a transplant, would you want someone to donate to you?”
Please let your family know what your organ donation decision is so that we can save more lives. Every precious organ donor allows more families to spend special times together. A quick chat can save lives, and we know that even at a time of grief families take enormous comfort and pride from their loved one’s donation.
Another 147 children are in need of other organs and just over 6,000 adults join them on the waiting list. Give hope this Christmas by signing up to be an organ donor, and share your decision with your family and friends. Click here to sign up, it only takes 2 minutes.