A tribute to Emma Harris
30 January 2024
It is with real sadness that we heard of the passing of Emma Harris on January 14th 2024. Emma, together with Emily Thackray are the reason that Live Life Give Life exists.
It is with real sadness that we heard of the passing of Emma Harris on January 14th 2024. Emma, together with Emily Thackray are the reason that Live Life Give Life exists.
Having met via the CF community, they were appalled by how many of their fellow CF’s were dying as a result of a shortage of organ donors, specifically of lungs. They initially started the movement via a t-shirt campaign and then with hard work and dedication, Live Life Give Life was incorporated as a charity (originally called Live Life then Give Life, with the name changed later) in 2008.
One only has to know Emma a little to know that family and community were everything to her, she fought very hard, with her devoted husband Brad, to have their very special son, Tedber, who was the light of Emma’s life. Emma had not personally been active in LLGL for some years but was supportive of not only our cause, but many others too, and we were grateful for the support of her and her friends in fundraising after her transplant in 2018.
Very sadly, although she was very appreciative of her transplant and the extra time it gave her with her family, she did not have an easy time post transplant and unfortunately the last infection was too severe to overcome. We send all our very best wishes to her family, friends and the communities she was part of, as her legacy will live on.