Siobhan – Transplant Coordinator #HeroesOfTransplantation
22 June 2022
Hello my name is Siobhan and I’m one of the abdominal transplant coordinators in Newcastle. One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is being able to call in a patient for transplant, knowing how their lives are about to be transformed.
Hello my name is Siobhan, and I’m one of the abdominal transplant co-ordinators in Newcastle. I worked on the liver ward when I first qualified before moving to intensive therapy (ITU), but I’ve always felt passionate about supporting liver patients so being a transplant co-ordinator is my dream job.
I work in a small team and we arrange assessments and provide education as well as running a nurse-led waiting list clinic and working an on-call rota with my colleagues. One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is being able to call in a patient for transplant, knowing how their lives are about to be transformed. The relationships that we develop with patients and their families are lifelong. I can’t imagine ever doing anything else now.
The role of the Transplant Coordinator
Recipient transplant co-ordinators are responsible for arranging the tests needed to assess patients’ suitability to go on the transplant waiting list. They coordinate the transplant waiting list and arrange follow-up consultations after transplantation. They support and guide the recipient through their transplant pathway.
Read more about this role on our Transplant Roles page.