Organ Donation Week 2020
7 September 2020
Live Life Give Life is very proud to be involved in Organ Donation Week this year. We do something for Organ Donation Week every year, but this year we have been included in the official list of activities by the NHS.
In the UK, Organ Donation Week happens in September every year. This year it is running from the 7th to the 13th of September. This year NHS Blood & Transplant is focusing its messaging on the law change to opt-out. You can visit the official Organ Donation Week web page here:
Live Life Give Life is very proud to be involved in Organ Donation Week this year. We do something for Organ Donation Week every year, but this year we have been included in the official list of activities.
For Organ Donation Week 2020 we are very proud to launch the Orgamites ‘Superhero Inside’ campaign. The Orgamites have donned superhero outfits to share an important message, that as organ donors we can all be superheroes. We may not be able to leap over buildings in a single bound or run faster than a speeding train, but when it comes to saving someone’s life through organ donation, it’s what’s inside that counts.
NHS Blood & Transport have included a colouring in competition in the activities they are promoting for Organ Donation Week 2020. The colouring in pages feature the superhero Orgamites. To enter the competition, download the colouring in pack at this link:
Post a photo of your child’s completed colouring sheet to your Instagram or Twitter account using the hashtags:
#OrganDonationWeek and #SuperheroInside
Also be sure to tag us:
On Twitter tag @NHSOrganDonor @LLTGL @Orgamites
On Instagram tag @NHSOrganDonor @LiveLifeGiveLifeUK @OrgamitesSaveLives
Eight Orgamites T-shirts are up for grabs, and prizes must be sent to UK addresses. The winning entries will be shared on the NHS Blood & Transplant social channels (crediting the winners of course!) and winners will have three weeks to claim their prize.
You can learn more about the Orgamites at